Saturday, July 22, 2006

S*atch and Sniff

BlueLoverGirl asks a question that keeps my tail wagging, "why do you always put your nose in my crotch when I walk in the door? Why when I tell you stop, you keep doing it anyway?"

I put my nose in your crotch, most of the time, when it is your time of the month. That's because I have different smelling powers than any other animal -- especially a human being. My nose is just super-sensitive, as you may well be aware. When it isn't your time, I may be just sticking my nose there because I like it as much as Nigel would. As for stopping -- it just isn't going to happen. That's like asking me to give up my bone. Just sit down and let me get my sniff, and then I'll leave you alone.



At 1:40 AM, Blogger Kathryn Craven said...

might i recomend the bend and twist method, thus presenting ike with the hip and vigerous petting? hey, it works with the 90lb lab i love.


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