Friday, July 14, 2006

Rachel, Rachel.......

Rachel is still confounded. She asks, "so basically men like the chase but will stop if there are not hints of interest on our part?"

We didn't say that. What we said was that, "we reach a breaking point where it's just not worth it anymore...". This has nothing to do with hints of interest. As you know, most of us -- like me -- can not take a hint if it is handed to us and stamped on our foreheads. Sure, we like when you show interest. It feeds our egos and makes us want to chase more, but it's not the be-all end-all.

And now a new question, "When a relationship ends how come guys don't show heartbreak and just jump into the sack with the first thing that crosses their path?"

We're cruel. It's like a game. We want to do whatever it takes to come out first, to be the first to score. That way, we won't feel as bad when you finally get some. Okay, hell. We'll still be jealous, but not if we have a regular in the sack who replaced you. Face it, most of the time we want sex a hell of a lot more than you do. Plus, we aren't as selective. Add to that we have many more sexual partners than you do (in the span of our lifetimes). When all is considered, that's why "we'll jump into the sack with the first thing that crosses our path."

She further asks, "Do men love or are they scared of high maintenance?"

Great question. It depends on the woman. Sometimes we are willing to sacrifice some things in our life for a "high maintenance chick." So, it's hard to say. As a rule of thumb, most "high maintenance chicks" chase us away. We just can't keep up, or simply don't want to. We never feel adequate. However, to answer your question straight up, I think it can be BOTH. I once LOVED a woman who was "high maintenance." She scared me too. You see, if I had stayed with her, I don't think I would have ever made enough money; I would have never been able to meet her materialistic needs; and I would have never given her the life she was raised and used to. I sacrificed a lot for "T", and I have no complaints. I am just more realistic about things now, several years after the fact.

We hope that answers everything (for now).

Nigel and Ike.


At 10:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

you sort of answered this but not exactly... it comes from something i read on rachels post tonight....

if guys really don't care about the outer package, why do they always pick the girl w/ the perfect outfit & makup vs the girl comfortable w/ her own unadorned face in a t-shirt & jeans?????


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