Thursday, July 13, 2006

We Give Blue More Clues

BlueLoverGirl responds, "I had a feeling it had something to do with the intimidation factor - but how does someone like me overcome the intimidation of OTHER men? I mean, if the only ones that pay attention are toothless and greasy, how can I know that someone more desirable would give me the time of day if they don't show interest first? Are they expecting ME to make the first move?"

Well, Blue, we have answers again. Remember, the problem here isn't necessarily that you are intimidated, it's that they are intimidated too. We're dealing with dating gridlock here, and the stalemate can be frustrating for each side. It's like two bulls locking horns -- one has to give at some point or another. Now, do you want to give, or do you want him to give? It's a matter of the man and the situation. Usually, I would recommend you take a soft approach here. This reminds me of the relatively new commercial where the girl helps to pay for the boy's dry cleaning at the drive-thru. I suggest you make a move to show the man YOU are interested. You can give him your number. Always write "CALL ME" on it, or we're stupid. Ask for HIS NUMBER. Buy us a drink. Invite him out. The bottom line is that you want to show him that you aren't afraid and that you are confident. At the end of the day, we do enjoy confidence in our women.

By your side,
Nigel and Ike.


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