Thursday, July 13, 2006

question Gets an Answer

question asks, "how do you know when to actually SAY i love you to a guy? more to the point, when will he hear the words for what they are vs the nails across the chalk board sound ripping thru his head?"

Wow. This is a wonderful question that Ike and I have given much thought to. First things first. Don't say "I love you" to a guy until you are deep into the relationship and you know he isn't going anywhere. The rule of thumb, if you are saying the words first, is to say "I love you" if he gives you a really nice gift or takes you on a trip or does something he wouldn't ordinarily do. Then you can say I love you. This should be a substantial gift, because it may be his way of telling you that he loves you. If you start using the phrase arbitrarily, say, after six months into the relationship, make sure to use it sparingly. That way he won't hear nails on a chalkboard. Use it once in a while before making it a household term. Remember, he needs to feel comfortable with the sentiment, too. Believe me, at this point he probably does love you, he just doesn't know how to say it.


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

thanks.. now lets just hope i'll have the opportunity to use this knowledge BEFORE i forget it...

*tossing a bone to ike* & *sliding knob & coke w/ lime to nigel*


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