Monday, July 03, 2006

Mission Statement I

Welcome to Ike's Information Center, where we dish up as much advice as you want about your husbands, boyfriends, bosses and every other male in general. Understand the advice only reflects our non-professional opinion and we advocated seeing a therapist if you are having serious unresolved issues. Anonymity can be maintained on this blog by e-mailing Ike and I directly at After you have e-mailed us your question(s), we'll post the answer on the blog. Please encourage your friends to visit us, too. We are truly at your service.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Tiffanie said...

He mows my lawn for me, puts fluids in my car, recharges my a/c and does my dishes when I'm sick. These things are without me asking. Then he says his actions ought to show me how he feels about me.

What does this mean?

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

you just need to read my blog to find my questions....

but ultimatly, why is it that guys will spend time "courting" a girl and then it is SO EASY to drop them like hot potatos when something that LOOKS good walks past?

At 1:54 AM, Blogger Rachel Heather said...

I have questions too.

I already asked them to you so feel free to use them


Oh I have another,

1. Why are some guys too chicken to ask me out when I KNOW they are interested.

2. Is it possible to tell if a guy is good in bed before you start seriously dating him and liking him. Cause I dont want to do that and then find out he sucks.

ok more later

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Tiffanie said...

Oh, and what are we supposed to do with your balls? I know I can't be the only chick out there that doesn't know what to do with them.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

rachel - i can answer that one... you can tell if a guy is good in bed if he is GOOD on the dance floor...


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