Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Brief Word About Dude Deciphering

Okay, so I get where some of you are coming from. Dudes are ALWAYS going to be retards, and your electronics department that you keep in your night stand is going to be a hell of a lot more friendly to you. That's all well and good. Ike and I appreciate your feedback and hope you will still read the blog. Our intention is to give you an honest opinion from a dude's perspective about chicks, love, relationships and everything else. Some of the blog entries are going to suck. Others may be helpful (we hope). At any rate, we hope you'll continue to read on. We also plan to write more pieces rather than respond to your questions. These pieces will explain different situations that I, Nigel, have found myself in... and how I have gotten out of the situation. Anyway, please feel free to continue your comments, for good or bad. We appreciate all of your input.


At 5:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

bedside toys are only as good as the batteries running them........

At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, a question for Ike - why do you always put your nose in my crotch when I walk in the door? Why when I tell you stop, you keep doing it anyway?

At 3:15 AM, Blogger Kathryn Craven said...

men aren't any more retards than women. we just have differnt styles. i fully admit that i don't understand what i do much less what other women do. they's crazy.

ps, did you see the question i asked on july 17? no biggie if you don't feel like answering. i just flet like working out some frustration at your comments section. grr.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Tai said...

Okay. I have a question. I was pretty sure I didn't, but I find that indeed, I must query.

Almost ALL of the men I have ever dated/slept with/had a quick conversation in a line to a movie with or lived with invariably all declare they love me/want me/made a mess of the relationship with me/can't live without me.

What am I doing WRONG!?!

All I want is some 'free and easy'; no strings attached dates.

What's with the clingy, writing poems to me type behaviour?

How can I call it off?
(wow...does that ever sound egotistical. Unfortunately, I'm not even kidding.)

Only YOU can help!

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

jeaz tia - don't take it personally but you're not gonna get much sympathy here... most of us are asking ike & nigel the exact opposite


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