Tuesday, July 18, 2006

At Least Two For Tuesday

We have two questions from different parts of the world this Tuesday.

The first is from ANONYMOUS. She writes, "The girls and I have noticed that more and more men... in the mid 20-late 30's bracket seem to be going for the "shaved below" look thinking it'll make them look larger. Where on EARTH did that fallacy start? Was it in a men's magazine (it'd explain why we've not heard about the tall tale until we started seeing the results) And how can we tactfully tell them if we don't like it, without wounding an ego? (I'm well aware I'm not speaking for everyone here though) I'm talking about "putting herbicide on the lawn", not simply "trimming the hedges". ;)

it's not a very tactful question but it's one that at least 4 of the girls I know have come across with at least one or two guys in the past year or two."

Well, ANONYMOUS, I am familiar with this situation. It is true, for the most part, that we are infatuated with making ourselves look bigger. To that end, we shave it all off. Generally, the charade works with a new girlfriend or "steady". Once she measures "it" up, though, you are screwed -- no matter how much you trim. Some dudes, like chicks, are just uncomfortable with a ball of fur "down there". So, they get rid of it for comfort it. Other dudes take turns letting their women shave them while they shave their women. It can be very erotic, but also a game of trust with the razor as well. You certainly don't want a razor malfunction. If you google the idea, you come up with a bunch of stuff. I suggest reading about the pubic hair from Wikipedia. If you click on that link, you'll learn much more about those sometimes hefty hedges.

Thanks for the question, and feel free to ask more.

Nicole writes, "I tried to set the best friend of a guy I was seeing, up with a friend of mine as there was interest there. Instead, the guy I was setting up rang my friend to discuss the (by now failed) relationship between the guy I had been seeing and myself, and went on to tell her what a jerk he was ad nauseum and how I should stay away from him. In the same conversation the mood changes and he started asking whether the same guy who he'd been putting down, was still in the bad books and whether I'd started seeing anyone else yet? Are you able to decipher that lot? These are men in their 30's and 40's not their teens though you wouldn't know it."

Woman, methinks you speak in tongues. Maybe it's the fact that you're english is from Down Under or something like that -- but we LIKE IT. A LOT. Do you have one of those sexy Aussie accents, too? That really does it for Ike. Anywhow, let me read this again...and see if I can get it straight. The first problem is the guy you were seeing. It sounds to me like this was all a setup -- a ruse with his friend to find out from your girlfriend what your present status was. That, in and of itself, is so lame. We do these things all the time. We let another person run radar between us to see if there are any flashes of interest left. It's one of the oldest and lamest games in the book. I agree that the men are not acting their age here. Your friend is certainly telling the truth, and she has now been forced into the rather awkward position of "playing telephone" in this whole thing. She should not have to discuss your failed relationship at all. She should tell her "man" that it is a subject she wishes not to discuss, and move on from there. If it's something he is repeatedly referring to, you know it is coming from your ex-, and you friend has to really but the kabash on it. Barring that, said friend shall leave the man, and then you can both go out on the town again.

Not From the OC,
Nigel (and Ike)


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