Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Making Your Move -- The Nigel and Ike Way

Nicole writes, "a few of the girls have been debating on their respective blogs, and over a few wines amongst my non blog girlfriends, how on earth to approach a guy to let him know that we're keen. I know you've suggested being more upfront, any particular suggestions for the girls who are all rather shy? (other than slipping a number upfront?) - tips on how to figure out that the person in question would receive the attention positively? (I don't suppose you're a body language expert? ;) ) Maybe some of the others are a little better at doing this, but me, I flirt only when I know it's platonic and no real intent behind it. Otherwise I go a bright shade of chicken."

Shy? Bright shade of chicken? How adorable.

First, if you click on the title to our blog, you will be taken to an excellent guide we found in

If that fails, we offer five of our most CONTROVERSIAL TIPS.

1. Instead of just slipping him the number, make it more interesting. Pass him a cocktail napkin (if you are at a bar) that simply says, "I have something for you." That is a sure-fire bet to get him to come over to you, where you can introduce yourself and offer to buy him a drink. The rest will be gravy.

2. At a coffee house? Offer your man-in-sight some whipped cream. Do it by grabbing the whipped cream from the barista and flat-out saying, "I would love to give you some whipped cream," or ask beforehand by saying, "I'm Nicole. Everything tastes better with whipped cream. Can I get you some?"

3. At school? Tell him you need a "study buddy," and see if he is interested. No doubt he'll be game.

4. At a concert? Cheat and tell him your friend knows some member of the band (any member)... Tell him you are trying to get backstage to see the band afterward. (THIS IS A TOTALLY REVERSE DUDE MOVE, BY THE WAY). He'll stick around and you can get his info., probably get drinks with him and then tell him your friend was lying or something like that (you have to play make believe on your cellphone for this to work). Just keep his attention long enough for him to be pissed at your friend, but want to see you again soon.

5. At a sporting event? Buy the concession of choice (beer, peanuts, hot dogs, etc.) and send it to said guy with your phone number taped on (always bring a small thing of tape).

You see, it all depends where you are and who you are with. There is safety in numbers. If a guy sees you with a group of friends, he is more likely to approach. If he starts hitting on one of your friends first, forget about it. You all need to have a pact that the girl who sees him first has dibs. All others must back off.

Dudes have trouble with shy girls sometimes because we feel like they may be hiding something, and we don't have time to figure out some puzzle. So, it's essential to have a bit of confidence, even if by practicing with your friends.

We hope this helps (just a little),
Nigel and Ike.


At 6:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

ok... so once the phone number has been handed off:

when is it ok for a girl to call a guy

how often is it ok for a girl to call a guy

how does a girl know that a guy REALLY wants her to call him

how does a girl keep from being a phone stalker

and any other advice along these lines (e-mail equivelents, texting, etc...)

At 1:09 AM, Blogger Rachel Heather said...

you are placing all responsibility on girls.

Umm hello...guys can make the moves too.

I personally find just a smile and the right guys totally take the initiative.

even with shy girls :)

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Jaymie said...

Hey Nigel. So I checked out your new site. Nice. Only thing is, pretty much all of these questions could be summed up with this:

Men are retards.(no offence, maybe you can't help it)

I personally have made the big switch....yep, that's right, no more's vibrators and romance novels from here on in.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Jaymie said...

It could be that I'm just cranky cuz I haven't gotten any in...well let's just say a while. And Buzz doesn't care if I put makeup on. Of course there is a few men who I'd still like to inflict some pain on, but for some reason, I still seem to be a (reluctant) fan of the male species. Even if they are retards.

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

amen clueless AND angelfire

batteries get boring.... and they don't wake you up in the morning..


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