Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Advice on Calling

question girl wants to know about the "calling card".

There are a number of different schools of thought regarding calling. It depends if you want to play games and act like a stupid dude, or you want to play it cool, nice and easy. For the most part, dudes like to play games when it comes to calling you. We'll sleep with you and you won't hear from us for a few days. It's totally offensive, but we don't really care; We'll take you out, tell you we're going to call and then blow you off for days; We'll call you once to be "polite" and then wait days until we call you again if you don't call us; Even if you do call us, we'll make you call back again before we even touch your digits. Simply put, we own the phone thing. We control it. We have controlled it forever and ever. We love to leave you on the edge of your seats... and I'm going to help you through it (I hope). Remember, to beat the dude, you have to BE the dude.

Q: question wanted to know when it's okay for a girl to call a guy after the phone number has been "handed off".
A: Beat the dude at his own game. Wait ONE day before you call. Don't talk too much. Say just enough to grab his attention, and then get off the phone.

Q: question says, "how often is it ok for a girl to call a guy?"
A: You never want to call too much. At first, limit your calls to once a day at most... that is if he is responding to your calls by speaking to you or returning your calls. Only leave one message (if it comes down to it) and never call back repeatedly or the dude will think you are a stalker. If the dude is not responding, call once every other day. If that doesn't work, quit calling and see if he calls you.

Q: q.g. asks, "how does a girl know that a guy REALLY wants her to call him?"
A: The dude will say "call me back"; or he'll say "I'll call you" (and he does); or he'll give you some alternate number for you to call (like his cell or work).

Q: "how does a girl keep from being a phone stalker?"
A: Take it from me (because I have been a phone stalker myself)... Never call too much. Never talk to the point where you are just thinking of things to say. Never put the dude in a position where he doesn't return your phone calls or abruptly gets off the phone with you just as soon as you call.

Q: "any other advice along these lines (e-male equivalents, texting, etc.)
A: Basically, the same rules apply. Remember, some people are annoyed by texting. Some dudes may get annoyed reading your messages all day long unless you are in a long-term committed relationship. Even then it can be annoying. E-mailing is not as bad, but you just don't want to overdo it.

Remember. Don't be a stupid dude like me. Be a smart chick. Remember moderation is key. Don't ever overdo it like me.



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